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"Un panneau temporaire sur lequel est inscrit 'Delivery Point George' est placé sur la route que mène de Suez su Caire, le KM 101. Ce point de rencontre ne fugure sur aucune carte"

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"A temporary signpost marked 'Delivery Point George' along kilometer 101 does not figure on any of the maps"
Descriptive dates
Dimension and support
1 doc. fotográfico (positivo, p/b, 29,2x20,3 cm); papel
Scope and content
Autor: não mencionado

No verso da fotografia existe a seguinte informação em inglês e francês: "'Kilometer 101' the highway of peace. Egypt 21.Jan.74. The eyes and ears of the world have been focused the past few months on a remote Egyptian roadside on the route from Cairo to Suez city called 'Kilometer 101'. It is here that the United Nations peace force set up their caravansseral and the tents in which the various treaties were signed. On the roadside stand three individual tents, one is for the Egyptian delegation and other for the Israelis and separating them in the middle that of the UN. Commander. Lt. Gen. Ensio Siilasvuo (Finland) commands this UN outpost with its flagpoles, police guards and support units. Within 50 days this territory will be again Egyptian soil as the Israeli and Egyptian units withdraw to their respective posts each side of the canal according to the 'disengagement agreements'. 'Kilometer 101' will go down in history books the same way as we know 'Checkpoint Charlie', 'Hill 875 Vietnam' and the 'Marginot line'...Photos by SYGMA".

"Egypte le 23 Janvier 1974. C'est là au KM 101 de la route Suez-Le Caire, qu'Israéliens et Egyptiens viennent de signer les accords de sésengagements militairs. Ce point de rencontre des deux belligérants a été investi par les casques blues de l'ONU. Constitué de 3 tentes, le KM 101 est [?] mais rentré dans l'histoire, comme étant celui de la paix. Le Général Gamassy et le Général Elazar se sont assis au tour de la table; hier ancore, ils étaient à la tête de leurs troubles et menaient un combat sans pitié. Photos: SYGMA".
Physical location
Flama, Positivos, pt. n.º 1980, doc. 014
Previous location
Flama, Positivos, Caixote E – 1, envelope “Egipto”, Nº 014
Language of the material
Inglês; francês
Notas ao elemento de informação "Datas descritivas": data de arquivo
Creation date
07/07/2021 12:29:21
Last modification
07/07/2021 14:27:53
Record not reviewed.