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Processo de informação CI (2) de de Simão Gonçalves Toco, Tando Afonso ou Afonso Tando, Simão Lázaro, Luvualdo David ou David Luvualdo, Merca Alice Ferraz ou Maria Alice Ferraz, Maria de Fátima de Cruz, João Sivi Toco.

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1969-08-11 Date is certain to 1971-09-16 Date is certain
Dimension and support
951 f.; papel
Physical location
PIDE, Serviços Centrais, processo 1825 CI (2), vol. 4, NT 7136
Language of the material
Creation date
20/07/2009 00:00:00
Last modification
29/07/2024 16:16:32
Record not reviewed.