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Diligência de habilitação de Luís Serrão do Amaral e Silva

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1702 Date is certain to 1705 Date is certain
Dimension and support
8 f.; papel.
8 Folhas
Scope and content
Pretendente a familiar, natural de Ega, comarca de Leiria, filho de Alexandre Serrão do Amaral e Silva e de Antónia da Silva Carvalho.
Physical location
Tribunal do Santo Ofício, Conselho Geral, Habilitações Incompletas, doc. 3752
Physical characteristics and technical requirements
Mau estado.
Creation date
18/09/2008 00:00:00
Last modification
08/04/2021 14:23:55
Record not reviewed.