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Maço 3

Description level
Instalation unit Instalation unit
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1302 Date is certain to 1341 Date is certain
Dimension and support
1 mç. (46 doc.); perg., papel
Custodial history
Os documentos apresentam os n.º 10798, 10640, 11323, 11313, 10746, 10797, 10854, 11336, 10803, 10747, 11306, 10816, 11358, 10619, 11352, 10630, 10642, 11404, 11324, 10857, 10978, 10772, 11002, 10796, 10626, 10627, 11325, 9862, 10809, 10990, 11317, 11348, 10639, 10885, 11320, 10887, 10636, 10638, 10991, 10979, 10637, 11307, 10898, 11345, 10989, 10781 do inventário geral dado no Mosteiro de São Vicente de Fora de Lisboa.
Physical location
Cónegos Regulares de Santo Agostinho, Mosteiro de São Miguel de Vilarinho, mç. 3
Language of the material
Português, latim
Creation date
13/05/2015 10:47:11
Last modification
05/02/2020 11:07:06