Available services

Cassetes, Vídeo-cassete, Revista Börsenblatt, TV and Radio-Transmissions

Description level
Instalation unit Instalation unit
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1997 Date is uncertain to Date is uncertain
Dimension and support
1 cx.; papel
Scope and content
3 cassetes:

1. “Flm. Buchmesse 1997 Thema: Portugal / Band 1/3”.

2. “Flm. Buchmesse 1997 Thema: Portugal / Band 2/3”.

3. “Flm. Buchmesse 1997 Thema: Portugal / Band 3/3”.

Vídeo-cassete “Frankfurter Buchmesse 1997 Schwerpunktthema Portugal TV – Beiträge [...] Band ½”.

Revista “Börsenblatt”, 10.10.97, na capa vem Fernando Pessoa e dentro está 1 CD-Rom.

Caderno verde com argolas “TV and Radio-Transmissions.
Physical location
Sociedade Portugal – Frankfurt 97, S. A., Nº 113
Previous location
Caixote 11
Language of the material
Creation date
26/07/2018 15:44:24
Last modification
27/09/2024 15:47:28