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Ficha de expediente e carta de Fernando Cochofel Pereira Gois (Penafiel), a enviar um exemplar do jornal "O Penafidelense"

Description level
File File
Reference code
Title type
Date range
1969-06-27 Date is certain to 1969-06-27 Date is certain
Dimension and support
1 doc. (5 f.); papel
Scope and content
Contém um exemplar do jornal "O Penafidelense", nº 13, de 24/06/1969.
Physical location
Secretaria-Geral da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros, Gabinete Marcelo Caetano, Correspondência de Particulares, cx. 84, doc. 11160
Previous location
Language of the material
Creation date
19/01/2024 09:52:06
Last modification
30/09/2024 17:42:47